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A red ink print from a metal stamp depicting a Jester. This one slipped and is blurred slightly north to south Another Jester print. This one didn't have enough ink on it and is less clear, with more white unprinted space and scratchier marks The third print. This one came out very clear around the face, hat, and shoulders, but with too little pressure on the bottom half. It has some slight red smudge marks on it though My favourite Jester print. It captures a lot of detail all throughout the jester's body, particularly the face and his raised hand Another Jester print. A bit blotchy The sixth print. Good detail but a little scratchy The seventh print is missing a lot on the left side, not enough pressure or perhaps too little ink The final print is wonky, missing the feet, and a lot of detail in the centre of the chest

Jester Stamp

I found a small metal stamp in a box full of stamps in a scrap store near Leeds. I bought two, including this one of a Jester. These are my first attempts at printing with it, using red ink.
I find Jesters to be interesting characters. It is funny that they are allowed to pull off the kinds of charades that would lead to swift death for others, that power allows itself to be poked